Fucking bastards!

Phishing on Flickr:


Looks like Flickr but it’s not Flickr, check the URL on the address bar! A guy left a comment on one of my photos with some blah blah blah and said he had made something for me and hoped I would enjoy it. Then there’s a “Private Photo” link that goes to this page. To see the photo I’d have to log in. But I’m not logging in to Flickr but to some other strange website!

Stupid spammers and cyberthieves! They should burn in hell!

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4 Responses to Fucking bastards!

  1. bluey diz:
    Mozilla Firefox Ubuntu Linux

    Report them to Flickr!


  2. Mozilla Firefox Ubuntu Linux

    I’ve already done that. 😉

  3. nao tenho diz:
    Mozilla Firefox Ubuntu Linux

    isto é em português ou em inglês?
    Bom mas qto a isso se reparares no url não está flickr e sim space india, o flickr avisou sobre isto, devias ter mais cuidado quando ainda para mais eles avisaram sobre o pormenor do url.

  4. Mozilla Firefox Ubuntu Linux

    Pois, eu sei que o url não é do Flickr, por isso não caí na tramóia. 😉

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