Vi uma reportagem sobre isto no programa '60 minutos' na SicNotícias, este fim-de-semana. It blew my mind… Não sabia que existia algo assim, que é possível pôr a funcionar uma coisa destas. Muito bom! Reaviva a esperança num futuro melhor, num mundo melhor, em pessoas melhores. 🙂
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A "Harlem Children's Zone" é uma ONG sem fins lucrativos, e tem um site, aqui:
«Founded in 1970, Harlem Children's Zone, Inc. is a pioneering, non-profit, community-based organization that works to enhance the quality of life for children and families in some of New York City's most devastated neighborhoods. Formerly known as Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families, HCZ Inc.'s 15 centers serve more than 12,500 children and adults, including over 8,600 at-risk children. The emphasis of our work is not just on education, social service and recreation, but on rebuilding the very fabric of community life.»